Many industry officials and analysts have long felt that China's extra vertical-airspace buffer has been so cautious as to be antiquated. 一直以来,许多业内管理人士及飞行员都认为中国在飞行高度层垂直间隔上的规定过于谨慎,甚至可以说是守旧。
On Nov. 23, China declared the area to be an air-defense identification zone, or ADIZ-an extra buffer beyond a country's official air space, in which foreign planes may be asked to identify themselves and their flight plans. 11月23日中国宣布这块空域为中国的防空识别区,即正式领空之外的额外缓冲区,在这个区域内,外国飞机可能被要求通报身份以及飞行计划。
Separately, the Swiss National Bank, responsible for financial stability, has recommended the introduction of US-style leverage ratio, measuring equity relative to assets, as an extra buffer. 同时,负责金融稳定的瑞士央行(SwissNationalBank)建议引进美国式的杠杆比率,即股本相对于资产的比率,作为额外缓冲机制。
QDMA ( Quick DMA) is used to transfer image data between extra memory and buffer of inter memory. 使用QDMA(QuickDMA)实现外部存储器和内存缓冲区之间的图像数据传输。